New Orleans Saints har hyret ny running backs coach. Saints har hentet Michigan States offensive koordinator Dan Rouchar.
Rousher har de seneste to sæsoner været offensiv koordinator for Michigan State. 51 årige Roushar har tidligere været ansat hos Cincinnati, Butler, Ball State og Rhode Island.
Rousar er kommet med følgende udmelding i en pressemeddelelse:
The New Orleans Saints and Michigan State are built on similar models, with a focus on character and people.
New Orleans has won a Super Bowl, and over the last five years, the Saints have been one of the winningest organizations in the NFL. I’ve had an opportunity to work for Mark Dantonio — in my opinion, the best college football coach in America — for the last eight years, including the last six seasons at Michigan State. Now, I have an opportunity to work for arguably the best coach in the NFL, in Sean Payton. Professionally, this is an opportunity I simply couldn’t pass up. Now as a running backs coach, I have the chance to learn the interworking of the NFL.
Samtidig med at Rouchar bliver hentet ind, bliver Saints tidligere RB coach Bret Ingalls forfremmet til offensiv linje træner, hvilket blev ledigt da Aaron Kromer tog til Chicago for at blive Bears offensive koordinator.
Ingalls som gennem de sidste fire sæsoner har trænet Saints running backs. Ingalls var før han kom til New Orleans koordinator for Northwesterns løbe angrebs samt ansvarlig for den offensive linje i hans sidste sæson for Northwestern(2008).
Dermed er den tredje nye træner på plads i New Orleans som allerede har hentet Rob Ryan og Stan Kwon.
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